
I had an interesting discussion with a client today about alterations. In trying to figure out how to present some copy on alterations we began to wonder just what brides think really goes into altering a wedding gown. How much work does it take? How much skill does it require?

I do know what goes into it; on both the high end and the low end and I will be happy to share that with anyone. That is- anyone that first tells me what they think it takes.

Help me out. If you would pass this along to your friends I would really appreciate it. Newlyweds are welcome to join the discussion. Respond by leaving a comment here or by emailing me through my website,
Think Like a Bride

Thanks so much and wait until you hear the truth on this one. It will boggle your mind.


  1. I have absolutely no idea what’s involved. I’m SO not the homemaker type and I don’t even know how to sew a button or hem a skirt. With regard to getting my wedding dress alterations done, I feel a little bit the way I do when I venture into a car repair shop – like I should take an expert with me to act on my behalf, because if I don’t, I could be taken for a ride and sold a bunch of stuff I don’t need at a ridiculous price and I wouldn’t know the difference. So, please do share with us what is involved and how to determine fair pricing!

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