It’s Mosquito Season

Its time again for beautiful weather and that means outdoor weddings. Are you expecting some uninvited guests? I have recommended for as long as I have been writing about weddings that you consider some kind of bug control at any outdoor event.

As a gracious host it falls to you to see to the comfort of your guests. Let’s face it, how much fun are they going to have if they are being eaten alive by bugs. I can picture it now: just as you are about to say I Do, your loving fiancé reaches over and kills the mosquito on your arm. Lovely.

If the venue you are using doesn’t already treat for mosquitoes or if you are having it at a private home there is an answer. Last night I met the “mosquito guy”. Ken Melnick is the local franchisee for Mosquito Squad. Ken tell me that they come out the day before your event and treat with a barrier spray. By the time of your event you have a location that is free from the disease carrying critters.

I don’t know if it’s the greenest thing you can do but sometime you have to weigh the benefits. West Nile virus or have your property sprayed the day before.

If they aren’t in your area yet they will be soon.

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